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PAFS stands for “Parents and Friends of St John's”.  We’re a friendly group who regularly meet to organise the school’s main fund-raising events. These include regular favourites such as the Christmas and Summer Fayres, Quiz Nights and children’s discos.

As well as providing memorable occasions which the school family can share in, we also raise much needed funds for the school. Some of the money supports smaller projects, such as prizes for the Christmas tree decoration competition and hoodies for the Year 6 residential trip, while there are also the larger projects that we work towards. We have contributed to the renovation of various parts of the school, much needed IT equipment, the Library Garden and ensuring that our children are working in a modern and inspiring environment.

We would love you to get involved with PAFS and help to raise valuable funds to benefit the children. We always welcome new faces and fresh ideas on our committee and we appreciate help at main events whether this be manning a stall for an hour, wrapping presents for the lucky dip or offering a skill such as baking a cake.  The important thing is to talk to us and get involved. PAFS are a friendly bunch with a sense of humour and we would love to see you at our next event or meeting.

If you would like to contact a member of PAFs there are plenty of ways to get in touch:

For more information about the Parents and Friends of St John the Baptist School Association please click here for our annual trustee report.

Speak to the school office or just talk to one of us in the school playground!